AUCTION on 25 april 2018_topbillede

Auction for storage capacity in SY18/19

Auction on 25 April 2018 for the remaining capacity in SY 2018/19

Gas Storage Denmark is pleased to inform you that we will conduct a pay as bid auction on 25 April 2018 for the remaining capacity in storage year 2018/19. The auction starts at 12:00 and ends at 14:00 (CET). A reservation price will be published at 11.00 (CET) on the Auction Date.


The remaining capacity for storage year 2018/19 will be sold on the Auction. Some of the capacity still awaits technical approval. Therefore, the total capacity on offer in the Auction is still under clarification. However, GSD can confirm that at least 240 GWh will be auctioned. The total capacity in the Auction will be announced together with the reservation Price and the Bidding Sheet for the Auction.


The product auctioned will be based on a 1- year seasonal flex SBU with 170 days injection capacity and 85 days withdrawal capacity.


If you would like more injection and withdrawal capacity on top of the seasonal flex SBU then you can buy additional capacity up to 120 days injection capacity and 60 days withdrawal capacity. All storage customers successfully bidding on the Auction are welcome to submit request for additional flexibility prior to 16:00 on Thursday, 26 April 2018.


The unit prices for additional firm capacities have been determined to:


  • 650 €/MW for injection capacity

  • 650 €/MW for withdrawal capacity


The capacity will be available as a 1 year product starting from 1 May 2018.


Please see the attached Auction Rules for further information.



If you have any question please contact us.