AUCTION 11-04-2019

Auction of 2-years storage capacity starting per 1 May 2019

The auction starts at 11:00 (Danish time) on Thursday, 11 April 2019

GSD is pleased to inform you that due to an extraordinary high initial inventory level before the start of the new storage year, GSD is in position to offer additionally 494 GWh per storage year starting 1 May 2019.


The capacity will be offered on a multi-round ascending clock auction. 


The auctioned product will be based on a 2- year seasonal flex SBU with 120 days injection capacity and 60 days withdrawal capacity (120/60 product). GSD's starting price is 0.03 DKK/kWh/year (approx. 4 €/MWh/year).


GSD invites all interested storage customers to participate in the auction. All terms and conditions are described in the Auction Rules


If you have any question please contact us.