FCFS with price guarantee
Storage capacity in SY19 (one year)
GSD offers you an opportunity to book FCFS storage capacity for SY19 with a price guarantee for the fixed price of:
- 2.6 €/MWh/year for the 170/170 SBU
- 3.3 €/MWh/year for the 170/85 SBU
- 4.0 €/MWh/year for the 120/60 SBU
Only additional charge to the capacity price above is our variable injection fee or alternatively our flat rate.
You have also the opportunity to purchase additional flexibility for the fix price of 750 €/MW/year for firm injection capacity and 3,000 €/MW/year for firm withdrawal capacity. In case you should request another SBU-product than the stated above, we shall use these flexibility prices to derive a price for the requested by you SBU.
Price Guarantee
Valid from today 24 August 2018, GSD shall combine any capacity sold for SY19 with the following price guarantee.
GSD guarantees that the prices notified above are the best prices for corresponding SBU-product or for any other derived SBU-product, sold on auction or FCFS conducted by GSD in the period from today 24 August 2018 to 30 April 2019. If GSD conducts auction(s) in this period and the volume weighted result price* for all of these auctions (hereinafter referred to as “the Reference Price”) is lower than the price stated above, GSD will refund the difference between price of the booked capacity (the price stated above) and the Reference Price multiplied by the booked firm volume capacity.
The result of each auction, expressed in sold total amount and average price, will be published on GSD’s website https://gasstorage.dk/Auctions.
*For the avoidance of doubt it should be mentioned that the result price(s) from the auctioning of SY19 capacity, where filling requirements are part of the SBU-product, shall not be included in the calculation of the Reference Price. Multi-year SBU-products, where storage capacity for SY19 is a part of the SBU-product, are also excluded from the calculation of the Reference Price.
If you have any question please contact us.