Best possible conditions_delivery to TSO

GSD offers best possible conditions for delivery of gas to the TSO


With reference to Energinet Gas TSO’s call for tender on 2 October 2018 for the purchase of gas in the Storage Point, GSD would like to establish the best possible conditions for the delivery of gas to the TSO.

Therefore GSD will change the filling level, at which it is possible to store gas on interruptible terms in the storage facilities. This level will in October 2018 be raised from 90% to 100% filling level. Hence, gas kept in storage on interruptible basis will not be interrupted during October 2018.

The price for interruptible volume capacity is 0.000004 DKK/kWh/h or approx. 0.0005 €/MWh/h.

Furthermore GSD would like to promote the 760 MW, which is the firm injection capacity still available for sale. This capacity can be booked for the fixed monthly price of 250 €/MWh/month or as a rest of year product for the price of 500 €/MWh/ROY.

For ordering of extra injection capacity or any question related to the utilization of the interruptible volume capacity please don’t hesitate to contact us.




Due to relatively low filling level, which is 82% for the time being and conditional on that mainly storage customers who are to deliver gas to the TSO make use of this offer, GSD considers the possibility for interruption of gas stored on interruptible basis during October 2018 to be zero.


However GSD cannot guarantee the fulfilment of these assumptions.