RGS 13.0 published _1920 x 515 px


In force from 1 May 2019

We are very pleased to present you the Rules for Gas Storage (RGS) version 13.0.


Version 13.0 of RGS shall govern GSD's terms and conditions in SY2019 starting from 1 May 2019.

In the period from 3 December 2018 to 17 December 2018, the version of RGS was subject to consultation among the stakeholders with an interest in gas storage. The main changes in RGS, version 13.0 compared to version 12.0 are the following:

  • Thorough editing of Clauses 4-9 and 17 in order to achieve better communication and readability;
  • The Storage Facilities may be used for storing of Biomethane, Clause 5.11; 
  • Transfers of Injection Restrictions and Withdrawal Restrictions are no longer relevant; and 
  • Adjusting of the load factor from 25% to 5% in Clause 18.1 b) (i) and repealing the minimum Credit Limit of 2,000,000 DKK in Clause 18.1.

Beside the introduction of two new appendices, “Online Agreement” (Appendix 5) and “REMIT Agreement” (Appendix 6), there are no substantial changes to the remaining appendices to RGS version 13.0 compared to version 12.0.  

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


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