EDIG@S XML 4 phase out per 1 May 2022


As of 1 May 2022 Gas Storage Denmark will no longer support message exchange by Edig@s XML 4.0 and protocol AS2

Currently, Gas Storage Denmark and the Danish System Operator support message exchange by using format Edig@s XML 4 or Edig@s XML 5.1 with either AS2 or AS4 protocol for security communication.


Due to the fact, that (1) Edig@s XML 4 format is expired and no longer maintained as a common format for massage communication and (2) there is a general wish for streamlining the communication formats between internal and external systems, Gas Storage Denmark and the System Operator will cease supporting message exchange by Edig@s XML 4 format as of 1 May 2022. For the same reasons, registered shippers and storage customers in Denmark must shift from AS2 to AS4 protocol for security communication.


Therefore, starting from 1 May 2022, all shippers in the transmission system and all gas storage customers must use Edig@s XML 5.1 format for message exchange with AS4 protocol.


In addition, you may also nominate through the customer web portals of Gas Storage Danmark and the Danish System Operator.


Shippers and storage customers are welcome to contact our backoffice@energinet.dk for exchanging connection information and for scheduling test. The test will be carried out based on FCFS principle.


If you have an agreement with a 3rd Party for the XML communication, Gas Storage Denmark and the System Operator require your approval of the 3rd Party’s mandate as a communication counterparty on your behalf.


