Daily Auctioning of incremental capacity
As is customary when the end of injection season approaches, GSD has re-assessed the expected performance of our two sites for the rest of the season. Based on the favorable injection profile since the start of the year and favorable gas composition that has prevailed through the injection season, our reservoir specialists have identified opportunity for daily incremental injection of additional amounts of Natural Gas over the coming weeks, in total at least 500 GWh is expected depending on the possible variations in gas composition and reservoir response.
Based on the outcome of our reservoir specialists’ assessment and urged by both the critical importance of stored gas in the current supply situation and on the huge demand for storage of Natural Gas during the winter, GSD has decided to offer additional storage capacity in the remaining of the current storage year 2022-2023 by daily auctioning of incremental storage capacity starting from 1st November 2022.
GSD invites all interested storage customers to participate.
The Daily Auctioning will be a pay-as-bid auctions. All terms and conditions including product description, reservation price, are described in the Auction Rules which can be downloaded on the right side of this page as well as a standard bidding sheet required for the participation.
It is important to note that GSD will continue the assessment of the reservoir performance and reserves the right to cancel, postpone or interrupt the daily auctioning. In such case, GSD shall inform the marked in due time before the deadline for submitting bids to the next daily auction.
Please contact us in case of any questions.