24 Nov UPDATE - Version 10.0 of the Q&A-list has been uploaded.

On 25 October, Gas Storage Denmark (GSD) invited interested parties to participate in the first onshore CO2 storage tender in Denmark under the CO2RYLUS project. 

GSD’s primary objectives with the CO2RYLUS project and the tender is to support knowledge creation within the emerging Danish CO2 sector, with an aim to inject and store the first CO2 by 1 April 2026.

The total capacity offered in this Tender is 2,000,000 tonnes COto be delivered by truck to the Stenlille storage facility, to be injected into the storage over a period of 10 years.

The following documents comprise the tender material and can be downloaded on the right-hand side of this page:

  • Tender Specification Document, version 2.0
  • GTCCS (General Terms and Conditions for Carbon Storage), version 1.1
  • Storage Agreement, version 1.1
  • Submission Letter Template
  • Bidder Template, version 2.0
  • Q&A list, version 10.0 (NEW)

For your convenience, Appendix C and D of the Tender Specification Document and Appendix B of the GTCCS can also be downloaded separately in Word-format.

There was a formatting error in the sheet named "B - Reservations" of the Bidder Template, which has been corrected in version 2.0. 

The questions and comments to the draft tender documents that have already been received have either been incorporated into the current tender material or have been added to the Q&A-list. This list will continue to be updated on a regular basis.

GSD is looking forward to receiving bids to the tender. Bids must be sent via e-mail to co2rylus@gasstorage.dk by today, 24 November 2023 at 14:00 (CET) at the latest.

In order to receive notifications about the tender as well as other CO2 related news from GSD in general, please make sure to subscribe to our news service via this link. News related to the CO2RYLUS-project and other CO2-related news will be announced as “Future storage news”.

General information about the CO2RYLUS-project can be found on this link

Please contact us in case of any questions.