
General Terms and Conditions

Rights and obligations in relation to storage services are described in the “General Terms and Conditions Gas Storage” (GTCGS).

  • GTCGS version 18 governs SY2023 and SY2024 starting from 1 January 2024
  • GTCGS version 17 governs SY2023 until 1 January 2024

GTCGS, in the version applicable at any time, describes terms and conditions in relation to acting as a storage customer, concluding storage agreements, access to firm and interruptible capacity, performing transfers in storage, operational restrictions and various other aspects.

Our storage facilities at Lille Torup and Stenlille are part of the Danish gas system, which consists of the transmission system, the distribution systems and the gas storage facilities. Therefore, GTCGS must be seen in conjunction with all relevant network codes and especially the Terms and Conditions for Gas Transport (BfG, Betingelser for Gastransport), which is the legal framework for the Danish transmission gas system.

GTCGS including the respective appendices are only available in English.


Appendices to GTCGS version 18.0

Appendix 1 - Framework Agreement

Appendix 2 - Quality and Delivery Specifications

Appendix 3 - Guarantee payable on demand

Appendix 4 - Online Agreement

Appendix 5 - Power of Attorney

Appendix 6 - REMIT Agreement

Appendix 7 - Operations Manual


Appendices to GTCGS version 17.0

Appendix 1 - Storage Customer Agreement

Appendix 2 - Quality and Delivery Specifications

Appendix 3 - Guarantee payable on demand

Appendix 4 - Online Agreement

Appendix 5 - Power of Attorney

Appendix 6 - REMIT Agreement

Appendix 7 - Operations Manual



The Danish Energy Regulatory Authority (DERA) regulates and supervises the energy sector, including Gas Storage Denmark A/S.


The Danish Energy Agency is responsible for the Danish Gas Supply Act, which applies to the transmission, distribution, supply and storage of gas, laying down the framework for a gradual market opening initiated by the reform in 2000 and fully implemented on 1 January 2004. The goal is to ensure that Danish gas supply is planned and carried out in consideration of security of supply, national economy, the environment and consumer protection.

In pursuance of the Danish Gas Supply Act, everyone has the right to use the storage facilities in Denmark provided this is technically or financially necessary to provide effective access to the Danish Transmission and Distribution Systems.

Find more information about the Danish Gas Supply Act

Filling requirements

Filling requirements purchased by the Transmission Service Operator Energinet 

Gas subject to filling requirements is part of a voluntary bilateral agreement between the storage customer and the Transmission Service Operator Energinet. As such, Gas Storage Denmark has no part in this bilateral agreement and does not grant any individual discount for storage agreements subject to filling requirements.


To be subject to filling requirements means that the storage customer must keep a certain minimum quantity of gas in storage during the period specified in the agreement with the Transmission Service Operator Energinet.